Changefeed API

The API supports requesting a change feed for all item types. The API is a generic endpoint that will return a list of items that have changed since the provided date.
Paging is supported. By default all item types can be requested. Within the API solution security can be applied to limit the item types according to the requester.

The change feed works with a continuation token to fetch next batches. The token will be provided in the header of the result. The header name is ODS-Continuation.
To fetch a next batch, add the continuation token to the header of the request with name ODS-Continuation

Syntax: api/items/{itemType}/changes


The item type for which the change feed needs to be requested.

Note: this parameter is part of the URL


The number of items to return


A datetime value as from when the changes need to be requested.

Note: Supports both date and date time

2020-01-01 or 2020-01-01T15:45:08Z


The continuation token to fetch the next batch. The token can be found in the response’s header with name: ODS-Continuation

Note: this must be provided in the request header!

